Winter Rituals

I spotted this while scrolling through Instagram today...
“You’ll need love, joy, passion, good friends, a soft place to land, magic and the ability to recognise it. You’ll need a thick skin to weather the worst of the world and a tender heart to receive the best of it. You’ll need a sense of humour to survive your ego and your pride (and everyone else’s), curiosity to investigate your weird reactions, fears and self-sabotaging strategies. You’ll need rituals that centre you, habits that hold you to your promises, dedication and determination so that challenging yourself to do what is difficult but defining day after day, week after week, month after month, year upon year becomes natural and even enjoyable.” - Chani Nicholas
The line that really stood out for me was “You’ll need rituals that centre you…” I think this time of year can feel tumultuous in that it brings with it an explosion of indulgence, celebration and frivolity but it’s also a lovely time for tradition, ritual and reflection.
All over the world this month, people will be making time to celebrate or observe the passing of time in their own way. It might be Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice or New Year. We want to know about your rituals; maybe they revolve around crafting, baking, exploring nature, music, theatre, ballet, or writing lists and letters…
Win Momiji Prizes...
We’d love it if you shared your ‘rituals that centre you’ in the comments below. We’ll be choosing three winners; two runners up will receive a core Momiji of their choice and there’s a voucher to spend on the site worth £50 or $65 for our overall winner.
Leave us a comment before midnight on Friday 3rd January.
Sending you lots of love light for 2020!
photo credit @bywonderland and @petitekare