June Monthly Favourites

So we find ourselves in July. How's life? How have you been doing? I've enjoyed being able to walk and talk with friends again and sitting in the garden sharing a meal (especially one that I haven't had to prepare!) has been a real treat. Mostly life has been pretty home-centred though which I'm kind of fine with for now. I thought I'd bring you our monthly round up of things that have caught our eye and have been making us smile.
Something to marvel over...
Our first pick this month combines two of my favourite things, art and food. I spotted these crochet/knitted bagels by Welsh born textile arttist and knitwear designer, Kate Jenkins in a magazine and then went on to pore over her Instagram where I found a feast of delights. Check out these yarn burgers and cakes.
Kate graduated from the University of Brighton with a BA Hons in Fashion & Textiles and went on to have a successful career as a knitwear designer, creating for Missoni, Donna Karen and Ralph Lauren. She talks of her trepidation about sharing her food themed art for the first time.
"My first exhibition – Comfort Food – was a small one in my Brighton studio. I was nervous. Would anyone come? My art was so different, would anyone like it? Would I actually sell a crocheted bottle of ketchup? Well, the exhibition was packed. Everyone loved the art. And, yes, I sold quite a lot of pieces. This gave me the confidence to launch myself as an artist and to let my imagination take me on a journey."
Check out Kate's Instagram here. [All images from Kate Jenkins]
Something green...
Next on to something you can actually consume...have you heard about the FraudShake? It's the colour of Kermit but tastes like white chocolate. I first heard about it from Angie Smith on Instagram and despite the healthy ingredients, this stuff is giving off Milky Bar-esque flavours. You'll find the recipe here if you fancy giving it a go. I love that Angie says "It’s funny the things that can make you feel connected during times like this. I would never have thought that sharing my #FraudShake recipe would have brought me so much joy. I have received hundreds of DMs and messages from some lovely people who have wished me well and told me how they are coping with lock down from all over the world and it’s been really nice."
[Image credit Angie Smith]
Something to dance to in the kitchen...
Lockdown has had me yearning for some different music; I'd played all my usual tunes way too many times. I stumbled upon a series of playlists by clothing brand Whistles. Particularly loving this one which features a mix of older retro disco stuff as well as new releases. It also includes the classic Big Time Sensuality by Björk. A perfect weekend soundtrack.
[Image credit Jean-Baptiste Mondino]
Something to lift your spirits...
Reading gives us somewhere to go when we have to stay where we are, but I don't know about you, I've actually found it really hard to focus on novels since the start of lockdown. However I discovered this children's book and I figured I probably just about had the brain capacity to make it through ;)
This book written by Davina Bell and illustrated by Allison Colpoys is an international best seller that celebrates the talents of every child. I love the artwork and that the words provide an alternative persepctive on the idea that the most important achievements are academic.
"Smart at saying hi and bye to people when they feel all shy."
So beautiful!
Every page celebrates a diverse talent or personality trait. Love it.
[Image credits Scribble UK]
Something to make you feel ace... (excuse the pun)
Did you see this photo on Serena Williams' instagram? Check out her series of pictures and cute video. Serena and her two year old daughter, Olympia took to the tennis courts together. Such an iconic shot!
[Image credit @serenawilliams Instagram]
And finally...
We'll leave you with our four Instagram Photo of the Week winners from June. Congratulations to @mellebidouille @naypaul @prout_paillette and @1eilove
So that's our round up of stuff that's been making us happy over the last month. What about you? What's been on your list? Share the love below!