Eggpicnic is a Chilean-Australian design duo based in Sydney founded by Camila De Gregorio and Christopher Macaluso. After meeting in Milan, the duo moved to Santiago and began combining their specialities in graphic and industrial design. Momiji worked with Eggpicnic and The School of Life in London to create our trio of Virtue Dolls, Bravery, Calm and Kindness.
How did you begin exploring your ideas for your Momiji dolls?
For the School of Life collection we were given virtues to work with. We had to think about how the design of each doll would instantly reflect that idea. We start every project with a brainstorm to develop as many ideas as possible. We have a very open process which allows us to initially explore a wide variety of concepts. Once we have passed this initial stage we begin a process of combining and evaluating each concept, taking elements and aspects and we continue refining right up until the final design.
What’s your usual way of working; do you sketch first or immediately create digital files?
We always start with exploring initial ideas on paper before moving into any form of digital work. We start with front views of the dolls, developing the form and features of each of these. From this we then go into Illustrator and start adding colours and creating side and back views. Once we have these we then take them into Solidworks so we can see the design as a 3D model. Throughout the whole process we continue refining features, forms and colours.

What was your favourite part of the design process?
It is difficult to decide upon one specific part of the process, however one aspect that tends to be the most exciting is creating the dolls in 3D. Moving away from 2D to be able to see the real form is a very rewarding part of the process.
Tell us about your workspace. Do you design in a specific place or do you find it easy to work anywhere?
Our workspace is our home studio. Here we do the majority of our work, from designing new collections, illustrations, making models, moulding and casting our products. An important aspect of our daily work routine involves getting out and exploring nature as much as possible. We have a small obsession with birds so we go out to all different national parks in the area and try to spot as many birds and wildlife as we can. With design you need a sense of freedom and we find that small moments in the day immersed by nature can help bring about new ideas.
Tell us about a typical work day.
We work every day in our home studio, from early in the morning to late at night. Our morning starts with a very big breakfast where we discuss our roles and goals for the day. Then we throw on our favourite playlist and get things done, always leaving the afternoons open for a long bay walk.
What would you say are the most important characteristics for anyone wanting to work in design?
Patience, an eye for detail and the ability to evaluate your own work constructively.
In the kitchen, what’s your speciality dish?
Homemade gluten free pasta from scratch with a zucchini, white wine and goat’s cheese sauce.
If you could live in any other city in the world where would you choose and why?
After living in 3 different continents over the past 5 years we would choose any city in South America, for the culture, the people and the amazing food.
Friday nights or Sunday mornings?
Friday nights, a time to reflect and look forward to a bit of relaxation.
Who are your design heroes?
Oki Sato, Jaime Hayon, Jaime Hayon and Naoto Fukasawa
What are your favourite magazines?
Colors, Collect, Desktop, Made, Monocle and Vice.