Meet The Team

I do the numbers side of Momiji - boring but necessary! I also work with Claire and Helena on the photography and marketing which is much more fun.
I enjoy chatting with Momiji fans and customers. Sometimes things go wrong and we try to sort it out, but the best times are when people email to say how much Momiji means to them. Momiji dolls have been used to propose marriage and have even attended the weddings! They celebrate births and birthdays, high days and holidays. Often I am told they just cheer people up on a dull day - cheery faces on a desk or shelf. It's just nice to know we helped in a small way.
I love the diversity of Momiji fans - people from all over the world. Different cultures and viewpoints make the world a fascinating place and we continually learn and improve our understanding.
I love sailing magazines, adventure blogs, photography blogs and science. But doing it is better than reading it!
I love the big outdoors and being in it. I feel liberated when the horizon is several miles away and not just a screen on my desk. I always want to explore what is over that horizon. And then the next..
I am in charge of the music in the office. Until Claire gets in.

Favourite Quote
"I can resist anything but temptation" - Oscar Wilde

Momiji I'm most like
Adventure ...well, I’m always looking for adventure. I have the urge to photograph her with the sight and smell of dark brown leather and steam-punk goggles, compass and other navigational instruments.