My Support Squad | By Leanna Lin

Support Squad is back! Last month we kicked this series off by chatting with designer, Luli Bunny about the essential people in her life. This month we want to introduce to another person who has become part of our global Momiji family, Leanna Lin. There are very few stores around the world special enough to carry Momiji dolls, but Leanna Lin's Wonderland in LA is one of them.
If you're lucky enough to have visited then you'll know that Leanna's place is a jewel box of creativity and inspiration. Her careful curation of art, accessories and gifts makes it the kind of place you'll want to drop in regularly for new discoveries and products with personality.
Starting a business and living a creative life takes energy and courage; Leanna told us all about the people who help her put the Wonder in the Wonderland.
Name Leanna Lin Fong
I live in the city of Eagle Rock in Northeast Los Angeles, CA USA
Job Owner + creative director of Leanna Lin's Wonderland since 2010
Today I'm feeling…relaxed because it's my day off & I finally got a writing spark *
I own Leanna Lin’s Wonderland, which is a playful art gallery and gift shop for the young at heart. The shop is located in Eagle Rock, which is a smaller town of Northeast Los Angeles. I also live in Eagle Rock, so my commute is 5 minutes! Our town is known for a mountain that looks like the profile of an eagle’s head and Occidental College, where President Obama attended. We have a diverse group of people who live here and are very family friendly. I love having customers of all ages!
I opened Leanna Lin’s Wonderland in 2010 and have been a Momiji collector before that. I love carrying the collection here! Besides running the shop we do fun events throughout the year. Our big events are the curated group art shows. We also have pop-ups, book signings, live art, and more! I also like to get involved in the local community, the arts for kids, and animal rescues.
With all that being said, I'm very lucky to have so many amazing people in my life…husband, family, friends, mentors, customers, healers, and even my pets! Throughout the various chapters in my life, different people have entered my circle and no matter how long I've known them, I would say that the below are my current core support network.
Luis Jaime (my husband): We started dating in 1998, so you can imagine how well we know each other. If there's any question about anything, he's the first I go to. He is my rock!
Tonnie & Mae Mei Fong (my parents): They've always been there for me and support in any way I need. Even though I'm 44 years old, I still call them to ask for advice. I'm grateful to them. My brother and his family are amazing too!
Laura Takaragawa + Catalina Fernandez (2 of my best friends): We all met in the late 90's at Guess, Inc. and became better friends after we all left that company. I know that I can go to them for anything.
Laura is a smart business woman and I admire her. She was a big part of helping me start up Leanna Lin's Wonderland and is my current cheerleader. I know that if I ever have any business and career advice, she would have answers for me.
Catalina and I are very different, but we get each other. I can go to Cat for any life and relationship advice without any judgment. She doesn't sugar coat and I’m grateful to have her in my life. Also, because we are both pet parents and have no kids, we can relate in that aspect and hang out more!
Pamela Daniel (another best friend + sister in law): Pamela and I have known each other since high school and have gone through a lot together. We were both in the fashion industry and she ended up marrying Louie's younger brother. So, I'd say, we have history. Pamela is wise and sweet. After I've worried about a situation and we talk, she comes up with a simple solution. We also both have autoimmune health issues and I feel like we can talk about it with each other. She is a sister for life!
Estevan Ramos (my first LA boss): My first career was a fashion designer and in 1996, Estevan gave me my first job as his design assistant. I look up to him, even after all these years. I admire him for his creativeness, friendliness, and positive attitude. I don't think I've met anyone with more love in his life! He inspires me everyday.
Thank you so much, Leanna! we loved reading about all the inspirational people in your life.
Make sure you check out Leanna's Instagram, it's bursting with community, kindness and colour.
I hope you enjoyed learning more about Leanna and taking a peek into her beautiful store. It's one of my dreams to host a Momiji meet-up at Leanna Lin's Wonderland...see you all there?!