Momiji Wrapping Masterclass

If you're wrapping up Momiji dolls for your favourite people this Christmas then you may wish to take note. Here's how to make your Momiji tubes look like perfect festive crackers.
Helena has created some lovely Momiji wrap for you to download and print. There's a black and white version if you feel like going minimalist (or just fancy a bit of colouring-in) and there's also a coloured version if you have a colour printer.
You will need:
Here's our step-by-step guide.
1. First choose and print your wrapping paper. You'll need two sheets per doll.
2. Lay your paper face down, overlap them so that you create a sheet wide enough to wrap your tube. Make sure you match up the patterns and you fix them in place with a bit glue to keep it all lined up.
3. Roll your tube up in paper and glue the edges.
4. Pinch in the ends to form a cracker shape and secure them with ribbon. You can also add a gift tag at this point too.
5. Ta-daaaa. You are a gift wrapping genius. Take a bow.
If you have a go then we'd love to see some pictures. Tag them #momijidolls on Instagram so we can take a look!