Woah! It's week 8 and we're feeling great. Thanks for being part of the Momiji party (you're our favourite guest!)
Gigantic thanks to everyone who has shared their creations with us so far.
Here's a small selection of this week's entries.
Really loved the earthy, natural colours on this one! Thanks @elencita_kids
Excellent technique by @lesadjusterpro and a great colour palette.
This is soooo cool! Look at her suit! Look at her headphones! Thanks @momijilovely
Dreamy! We really loved this one ◡̈ Rhubarb & butterscotch vibes!
@hehe4600 we want to be on your rainbow dancefloor!
We really loved the blue shimmers in her hair and the neon flashes on her suit and make-up! Thanks @bambi.irons
We really enjoyed the swirly details on her headphones and the curls in her hair. Well done @monikanov19 ◡̈
Thanks to Fiona McCulloch for creating this truly MAGICAL boom box. Love it!
And our winner this week is @alexg5278 - we loved the colours in her hair, the musical symbols in the background creating so much impact! We also loved that Alex accompanied her post with a music track: Nicki Minaj - Super Bass, it seemed like the perfect track!
There will be 13 characters at the Momiji party when they all arrive.
Each week we’ll choose a winner who will receive £35 / $45 gift card to spend at
Then at the end of 13 weeks we’ll choose the person who has uploaded the best Momiji party. They will receive a gift card worth £100 / $125
How to enter:
- Print out this week’s party guest
- Decorate or colour it however you like
- Take a photo and share it with us on Instagram before 11:59pm (GMT) on Thursday May 2nd
- Tag us in your photo so we can see! We’re @MomijiHQ
- We’ll announce a winner on Instagram each week.
Fresh characters dropping into your inbox every week!
DON'T WORRY if you miss a week - you can go back and catch up at any time to be included in the big prize at the end of 13 weeks.
HEADS UP If your Instagram account is set to private we can't see your post unless you DM it to us.
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