How to Be An Explorer of the World

Everything is interesting. Look closer.
I think that's my favourite line from Keri Smith's interactive journal, How to Be An Explorer of the World. It's easy to let the days pass, tracing the same journeys, eating the same foods, scrolling through the same social media, forgetting to explore and notice all the perculiar things that surround us.
Keri wrote the book based upon this list she wrote one night when she couldn't sleep.
We're really happy to have teamed up with Penguin Books to give away 10 copies along with 10 Explore Momiji dolls, to encourage you to find fascination in the world around you. I've been a big fan of Keri's books for years now, I've recieved and given them as gifts and they are such an effective way to get your brain ticking and spark a flurry of creative throughts when you're feeling a bit blah and unispired.
How to Be An Explorer of the World is designed to be used according to your own rules and I wholeheartedly advise you to let it take you on an adventure.
The contest closes on Thursday 4th June at midnight UK time. Enter here. Good luck!