Cecy Meade
Cecy is a designer, doodler and 3D character creator. She lives and works in Mexico where she creates playful, digital goodness!
Name: Cecy Meade
Hometown: Mexico
Can you tell us how you began exploring ideas for your doll? I looking to do a project that was in line with my work and the things that I love and then Helena and Claire approached me. I was excited because apart from the fact that I love Momiji, this project also gave me the creative freedom that I like. It meant I could explore topics like nature, music and joy. I hope that everyone will enjoy the results!
How would you describe your design style? Joyus. Happy. Perhaps also spontaneous. I try to do what I like without thinking too much about a style or specific theme.

Did you always know you wanted a creative career? I don’t think so. Maybe that’s because as a child you don’t analyse it so closely. Looking back I always had fun making little radio shows with my toy record player. I also liked producing my own movies which I made my cousins and brothers act in! I was also drawing all the time, even when I was in school, so I guess my need to create was already evident!
What would you say are the most important characteristics for anyone wanting to work in design? You need to have the time and also the desire to keep learning about many things, even things that are not related directly to design. You also need to encourage yourself to find your own voice and a sense of curiosity. This is important throughout your lifetime and in all aspects of life.
Can you tell us what a typical day is like for you? Well as a mother of four children (I have twins) I take care of their needs and divide my time between family and work. I have my studio near my home. At my studio I work on personal and client projects and then I make time to go home for a lunch break or with my family. When I am not working I’ll try to learn something or just enjoy life.

What's the best thing about living where you do? This city isn’t famous for its green spaces but I guess that fact that I know it well and am comfortable interacting with people here gives me the opportunity to grow in other aspects of my life.
In the kitchen, what's your specialty dish? Mmm, because I love to cook and eating is another of my pleasures, a time long ago I learned to make pizzas that are much better than store-bought ones. I am a little perfectionist and obsessive to learn things.
Margot & Vinnie are inspired by music and dancing - what kind of music do you listen to most often? Let me think....I like so many types of music it’s hard to pick! I like chip tunes, Japanese, 60’s music, Esquivel, Space Age, Combustible Edison, Margo Guryan, Pizzicato Five. But mostly I discover new music and my favourite song is the one that puts me in the mood to wear my headphones and work - something that gives me the boost to create!
Friday nights or Sunday mornings? Sunday mornings!